Elephants in Rooms
Hi, I’m Ken LaCorte. I spent 20 years behind-the-scenes at Fox News and now host “Elephants in Rooms”.
Here, we jump into topics that many people avoid and that the mainstream narrative often vilifies. Even when they’re true.
If you’re looking for true insight into issues – without straw men or sensationalism – you’ve found the right place.
Elephants in Rooms
Why did Britain protect child molesters?
I hated making this video, but it's an important issue. For decades, British police, politicians and social workers knew about organized gangs abusing British girls by the thousands. And they kept it quiet. Here's why.
Link to my sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fz_llz5k5chMlksZM0BE0UnQUqWI7KKmc3lm0ewA0mI/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.oufjn2p6807h
Link to the full Jay Report: https://www.rotherham.gov.uk/downloads/file/279/independent-inquiry-into-child-sexual-exploitation-in-rotherham
You can find Ken on ...
YOUTUBE: https://m.youtube.com/@ElephantsInRooms
TWITTER: https://x.com/Elephants_Rooms
SUBSTACK: https://kenlacorte.substack.com/
RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/KenLaCorte